I only provide minimal bootable images for Systems 3.2, 4.1, 5.1, 6.0.8, 6.0.8L, 6.0.8P and 7.5.5, but I’m adding guides to my site for how you can install full versions of these and other versions up to System 8.1 using Apple’s Legacy Software Recovery CD and other sources on the internet. If you’ve never used my bootable images, or don’t know the difference between a drive image or volume image them I suggest you read the rest of the page below before trying to use these files.
This page contains a list of all the files that can be downloaded from my site for use with 68k Macintosh systems, specifically the bootable image files I’ve created for use with emulators, the SCSI2SD, the MacSD, the FloppyEMU, Zipdrives, Jaz Drives, Floppy drives and CDROM drives.